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Life Coaching for Mothers

Relationship  | Self Care | Positive Outlook |
360* Change| Return to Work| Health Goals| 
Money Goals|
Trauma and Phobia cure with NLP


Release of negative emotions | Self Care 
Pain Relief 


Master Graphologist (Adults and Kids)

Change your handwriting to change your life|
Understand  your personality| Improve memory |
Increase Focus| Improve your health |
kids memory and Focus with writing


Law of Attraction Coaching

Learn and Practice Law of Attraction Daily


I’m Sharu Mukund, a qualified and accredited Life Coach for Moms. But most importantly, I’m a Mom of 2 and I was affected with Covid during my 2nd pregnancy thus the body’s challenges in handling Covid and the pregnancy is well known to my mind, I get the satisfaction of helping moms majorly first timers.

Sara Motherhood Odyssey is a life coaching service dedicated to normalizing the challenges of all stages of Motherhood and helping Moms navigate those challenges to achieve Mental Wellbeing.

Becoming a Mom is one of life’s greatest gift’s but it is also the greatest shift any human being will undertake. As you begin your motherhood journey, you are no longer the same person; your life is no longer your own. As your children grow, you face new challenges and opportunities in line with their growing needs.

Sara Motherhood Odyssey was set up to help Moms through this ever-evolving mental transition but most importantly to help Moms find themselves. Be it as a first-time Mom in this new role, or a Mom of teenagers, Coaching can support you to overcome challenges, pursue opportunities and ultimately be the best version of yourself.
Our selfcare culture would make us believe that booking a spa day or taking a long bath is all you need to reset and feel “better”. However, as a Mom of 2, I know it takes much more than that.

No matter what stage they are at, Moms need support and an action plan to help them overcome the challenges parenting has presented and in time pursue opportunities they now want to achieve given their new life position.

My goal is simple. I want to support other women through their motherhood journey so that they don’t have the same challenging experience as me.

As a life coach for Moms, I now help women to ultimately achieve Mental Wellbeing by empowering them to overcome challenges, pursue opportunities, truly live their potential and achieve their goals (whatever they may be).

Because just like me, you can also rewrite your story.


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